We’ve answered a lot of questions over the years. You’ll not be surprised to learn that we’ve answered some questions more than once.

We’ve collected here the questions asked frequently (sometimes very frequently) and also some of the most important information you should have about the Swim Center.

How Has Covid-19 Affected The Swim Center?

The Pool

All executive orders by Governor Cooper guiding the operation of the swimming pool have expired or been rescinded. Nonetheless, the Swim Center continues some of the special procedures and rules implemented during Covid to balance the health concerns of all members. You may find some additional information in other FAQs. The Covid rules are found on our About page.

Regardless of expiration of Governor Cooper’s prior executive orders, we may apply the occupancy limitations and social distancing requirements. These limitations and requirements may make guest memberships unavailable and may occasionally require us to ration access to the pool. We will send an email to the members if this occurs.

The Fitness Room

In November 2020, the facility’s management implemented a limited re-opening of the Fitness Room. This FAQ contains more information. The waiver requirement in the Covid rules and procedures remain in effect. Reservation to use the fitness room is no longer required.


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