We’ve answered a lot of questions over the years. You’ll not be surprised to learn that we’ve answered some questions more than once.

We’ve collected here the questions asked frequently (sometimes very frequently) and also some of the most important information you should have about the Swim Center.

When Is Swim Center Staff At The Pool?

Swim Center staff visit the pool periodically each day seven days a week during the pool season. The staff are present primarily to ensure that the pool is safe and clean and secure. Everyone on Swim Center property MUST follow promptly and courteously the instructions of the staff. Anyone having a comment, concern, or compliment for the staff may reach the pool management through our contact page.

Staff may also be at the pool at scheduled times announced in this FAQ.

Outside the pool season, staff are present to clean the Fitness Room when it is open.

If you need assistance from our staff, the best way to assure a prompt response is to use our contact form.


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