We’ve answered a lot of questions over the years. You’ll not be surprised to learn that we’ve answered some questions more than once.

We’ve collected here the questions asked frequently (sometimes very frequently) and also some of the most important information you should have about the Swim Center.

How do I create a new account on the website?

To register, renew, or purchase a membership, you must have an account on our website. If you are renewing, please use the account that you used last year, otherwise, you will not be allowed to renew.

To create a new account:

  • Visit our new website at https://www.olswim.com/ in your browser
  • Click on the “Login” link in the top right of the web browser. You will see a page allowing you to Login or Register
  • In the Register box, enter your email address and a password you prefer.  Enter the password a second time in “Confirm Password” to make sure we get the password you want.  (Please leave the “Subscribe to our emails box” checked so that you receive email updates from us.)
  • Click the checkbox to accept our Terms and Conditions.  (You can click on the Terms and Conditions link to read them.)
  • Click the Register button.  You will be taken to your Account Dashboard.
  • Before purchasing or renewing your membership, you may find convenient completing a bit of your profile information, such as your billing address and your first and last name.
    • To do so, first click on the Billing and Shipping box, then click the Add link to the right of Billing address.  Complete the form and “Save Address”.  You do not need a Shipping Address.
    • Then, click on Security and Email and enter your first and last name.

If you want to purchase or renew a membership, please read this FAQ.


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